March 23, 202501:44:27 PM

Life in 360°: Chrome Caves & Futursitic Cities

It’s the end of a long and very hot week in the UK, where VRFocus is based. It might not be as hot as other places but for a country where the idea of air conditioning in homes is to open a window and pray for a stiff breeze it’s not been much fun.  We even had the hottest day for over forty years.We have staggered through the week, half-blinded by sweat and not entirely sure if what we saw was true or not. As a result of all this for today’s choice I’ve picked a little 360 degree video where the world is changing and evolving in a constant cycle.

We’re getting into fractal animation today.

If you’re not sure what fractal art entails Wikipedia has a very good description: “Fractal art is a form of algorithmic art created by calculating fractal objects and representing the calculation results as still images, animations, and media. Fractal art developed from the mid-1980s onwards.” In this 2016 animation, entitled You Are Here by Truman Brown, we are taken into a cave full of chrome stalagmites and stalactites before things evolve out into a rather alien looking city. Is everything what it seems? Whether it is or it isn’t… you are indeed here.


VRFocus will be back with another video on Monday.  Please join us then and of course throughout the weekend where there’ll be more stories and articles on everything related to virtual reality (VR).

via Mint VR
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