Indie videogame studio uGen has announced the launch of a cross-platform ‘virtual playground’ designed to allow users to build share and play. Titled Q.U.I.R.K. (Quantum Universe Interaction and Replication Kit), is designed around user-generated content that will allow HTC Vive, PC and Mac users to play together.
The building tools in Q.U.I.R.K. are based on extensive testing and aimed at giving aspiring videogame designers the opportunity to create without needing to learn complex programming and designing tools. The development team intend that tools, weapons, gadgets and building materials will be added to the title based on requests and feedback from the community.
“Kids and young gamers today are interacting with games like never before. They don’t just want to play — they want to create, to build, to have control of the world they play in,” said Jess Lebow, executive producer and Co-Founder, uGen Inc. “Our studio is extremely proud to have developed a platform that gives gamers, budding developers and creators alike the opportunity to play and socialize through user-generated games across multiple platforms. If the incredibly innovative and creative efforts of our early testing is any indication, we can’t wait to see what the Q.U.I.R.K. community will do with the all of the new assets and improved building tools coming in our Summer expansion!”
Q.U.I.R.K. is currently available through Steam Early Access with a Summer Sale discount of 30%, lowering the price to £4.89 (GBP), down from the usual price of £6.99. The title is currently on compatible with the HTC Vive if using in VR mode. Further information can be found on the Steam page. The launch trailer is available to view below.
VRFocus will continue to eport on newly launched VR titles.
via Mint VR