March 24, 202510:32:35 PM

PlayStation VR Summer Lesson Bundle Now Shipping Worldwide

The hugely popular first release of Katsuhiro Harada’s Summer Lesson, known as Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto, has been met with a welcome response in western territories thanks to the launch of an edition featuring English language subtitles. However, while an international launch remains a seemingly distant possibility, import retailers are bridging the gap.


A special edition bundle including the PlayStation VR head-mounted display, Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto and all current downloadable content (DLC) was announced by Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong (SIEHK) back in April 2017, prior to the videogame’s initial release. That bundle arrived in Asian territories alongside the launch of the videogame itself, and is now available to order worldwide via import specialist Play Asia.

The bundle includes the following:

• PlayStation VR with PlayStation Camera
• Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Edition Seven Days Room
• Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Edition PlayStation VR cleaning cloth
• Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Edition Day Out DLC
• Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Edition Second Feel DLC
• Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Extra Scene: Café (Outfit & Situation)
• Summer Lesson: Miyamoto Hikari Extra Scene: Grand Fireworks (Outfit & Situation)

This package is currently being offered for £451.10 GBP, a somewhat costly package considering the recent spate of retailer discounts on the PlayStation VR HMD, but nonetheless there will likely be many interested parties in what will surely be considered a collector’s item in western territories.

A second edition of Summer Lesson has been announced, Summer Lesson: Alison Snow, but no details on the release – in either Asian or western territories – have yet been announced. VRFocus will of course keep you updated with all the latest details

via Mint VR
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