Skyrim VR was one of the biggest surprises of E3 2017 this month, but so far it’s only been confirmed for PlayStation VR (PSVR). But PC VR users need not fear; it should be with them next year.
Developer Bethesda apparently confirmed as much to GameSpot, as stated in the below video. While PSVR players will get Skryim this November, the game will release on the HTC Vive in 2018. That likely means a full SteamVR release with official Vive support that Oculus Rift owners will have access to too. None of Bethesda’s VR games are yet confirmed to officially support the Rift, though that’s not too surprising given parent company ZeniMax Media is currently locked in a legal battle with Oculus itself.
You can see the confirmation at 2:43.
This isn’t too surprising given that during E3 Bethesda tweeted out that it planned to bring all of its VR games — including Fallout 4 VR and Doom VFR — to as many platforms as possible. Still, a PC version of Skyrim VR is welcome news. While we’re excited about the PSVR edition, the increased power of top end PCs will hopefully bring the world of Tamriel to life more than ever before. The Vive’s position-tracked wands are also slightly more versatile than PSVR, allowing for full 360 degree tracking without occlusion, and the trackpad should allow for smoother movement than on PlayStation’s Move controllers.
Whatever version of Skyrim VR you end up playing, though, it’s sure to be worthwhile. We can’t wait to get our hands on it later this year.
via Mint VR