March 26, 202512:32:56 PM

AR Comes to Footwear Thanks to Onitsuka Tiger and Anrealage

If it seems that every brand under the sun is beginning to embrace virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) in some way then the you can’t get much more proof than a footwear brand and a fashion label teaming up to create an AR app for trainers – or if you prefer sneakers. That’s the case with Japanese footwear brand Onitsuka Tiger and fashion label Anrealage, as the pair have collaborated on a new pair of shoes and an accompanying mobile app.

The new trainers are called the Anrealage Monte Z, and with the mobile app for iOS, users can bring their shoes to life. Scanning the front black logo graphic on top of each shoe will then animate the Anrealage logo whilst playing music by the Japanese band Sakanaction.

onitsuka tiger augmented reality sneaker 2

Whilst certainly an interesting concept on paper having a shoe that supports and AR app isn’t going to set the industry on fire. It also seems that with wear and tear that functionality will become much more difficult to activate. In part of the shoe care manual it says: “[The] AR app becomes less reactive due to factors such as wrinkle, brightness, shadow, angle and distance,” reports Mashable.

This is certainly a different approach to AR than that of Nike. The famous footwear brand revealed last month that it plans on using AR as a means to sell limited edition shoes, using an app called SNKRS.

For the latest AR news from around the world, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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