March 24, 202502:07:18 PM

CCP Games’ Sprac Hits PSVR Next Month, Solo Mode Revealed

CCP Games’ Sprac Hits PSVR Next Month, Solo Mode Revealed

Next month sees the launch of CCP Games’ fourth VR title: Sparc.

The company’s latest game, the first not to be set in its EVE universe, will be launching on PlayStation VR on August 29th, the company announced today. Other platforms will get it later down the line.

Sparc is quite different from anything CCP has made before. The game depicts a futuristic sport in which players can face off with each other. In one game mode, for example, they’ll throw Tron-like discs that they’ll have to tag the other player with while also having to defend themselves from incoming attacks too. You’ll need two PlayStation Move controllers to play.

CCP is also teasing its character customization features, which look quite robust. The game will also feature some solo options, the studio confirmed, which will consist of timed missions that will test your skills.

The game was introduced last year before getting official branding earlier in 2017. We’ve been hands-on with it a few times and it looks plenty promising.

Just ahead of launch, Sparc will be at Gamescom showcasing new features like the game’s single-player challenges. Look for more on the game in the month between now and launch, then.

via Mint VR
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