Back in May during Google I/O it was announced that the Galaxy S8 would be receiving support for Google’s Daydream platform. Samsung’s own Gear VR obviously has a head start on the S8, but welcoming another option for mobile VR fans is a smart move. There was no set date for the new update but it looks like a slip-up on T-Mobile’s support page hints at an update right around the corner.
Android Police originally reported that T-Mobile’s changelog listed Daydream support alongside a DIGITS update, Qualcomm update for microphone fix, Bixby enhancements, and various system improvements. With that bit of knowledge, the reporter attempted to update his device and test it out, but got an error that he was using an incompatible device for Daydream after the Daydream app didn’t show for him in the Play store and they attempted to side load it. The T-Mobile page was eventually updated to say that Daydream is “coming soon”.
With such as slip up, it stands to reason that the official update for Daydream on the S8 is coming and there are just a few things left to iron out.
via Mint VR