Last month BadFly Interactive launched a virtual reality (VR) version of its Dead Effect 2 videogame on Steam Early Access for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. This week the developer has released a major update for the title, which not only includes a bunch of bug fixes and improvements, but also player vs player (PvP) co-op mulitplayer modes and new story missions.
Last weekend BadFly Interactive held a beta run for the incoming update, with players able to access and early version of the PvP modes. Now with the official release going live the studio has ironed out some of the bugs that were present – although BadFly does state that PvP mode is still experimental.
There’s a PvP multiplayer where gamers can engage in deathmatch and team deathmatch modes across several maps. For the co-op multiplayer they’ll need to have unlocked the ship map by completing the first two missions.
One the single-player side, five new story missions, and some new maps have been added as well as a level cap increase to 15 giving access to more powerful equipment.
As the title is still in Early Access VRFocus previewed it a few weeks ago, saying: “With its over the top gunplay, customisation and movement options and hours of gameplay Badfly Interactive has certainly entered the VR market in a noticeable way.”
Dead Effect 2 VR can be purchased through Steam for £14.99 GBP. Checkout the full changelog below for all the updates and keep reading VRFocus for any further announcements.
Full change log:
• Added: COOP multiplayer. You must finish first two missions, once you’ll have access to the ship map, you can start or join cooperative games.
• Story and generic missions cannot be joined in progress. Other mission types can be joined by others even in single player if your set allow joining in the game options.
• Added: PVP multiplayer. Accessible from the play menu, deathmatch and team deathmatch are available on several maps.
• Added 5 new story missions and few new maps for generic modes
• Increased level cap to 15 (giving you access to first epic armor sets)
• Increased revolver damage
• Added quick sell and upgrade quick buy – hold grip and click on item
• Added VR calibration – you can now modify world scale and floor position. Note: Setting correct scale is important for the multiplayer.
• Changed teleport blackout to use screen blackout instead Steam VR compositor (caused problems on some computers)
• Tuned melee swing detection – weapons now has to be swung with more force to do some damage. Rebalanced melee weapons a bit.
• Tuned knockdown effects.
• Fixed panel positions in Haxxor type side missions
• Fixed damage and haptic feedback for mounted gun
• Various small improvements in the GUI for the map and shops
• Fixed not working ammo boxes
• Fixed weapons not being returned after cutscene
• Fixed money loot falling through the floor
• Fixed mission summary screen bugs
• Improved response on several GUI controllers (consumables shop, side quest log)
• Fixed empty clips not disappearing
• Fixed Proteus STD weapon not working correctly
• Fixed trading stations GUI
• Fixed and tuned grips for several weapons
via Mint VR