Defending the Ancient World In Our Latest Gameplay Video

Earlier this month VRFocus reviewed PlayStation VR wave shooter Ancient Amuletor. This first-person shooter set in a fantasy-tinged version of ancient history puts the player in the role of one of four heroes. Watch how Rebecca fares as a Gunner in this new gameplay video.

The aim of Ancient Amuletor is simple – the player needs to defend the glowing crystals for hordes of attacking enemies, cutting them down with weaponry in hand, and using traps and strategic positioning to make sure none of the enemies get through.

The action is controlled using the PlayStation Move controllers, as it said in the VRFocus review: “The title is controlled using a pair of PlayStation Move controllers. This makes most of the actions nicely intuitive and immersive. Movement is handled by a simple teleport system that allows you to bounce to various fixed locations around the map. Being in the right place at the right time becomes part of the strategy. As does laying down traps once those become unlocked, as those can slow down enemies enough to allow the player to easily pick them off.” You can read the rest of our review Here.

Watch Rebecca have fun cutting down undead foes in the video below. For more gameplay videos, keep watching VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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