Anime and Manga of various types are starting to see adaptations into virtual reality (VR) experiences as VR continues to grow. Manga series Kaiji was announced as getting an adaptation into a VR title that follows one of the lethal contests from the manga some time ago, and developers Solid Sphere have now announced the release date.
Kaiji is a manga series that began in 1996, written by Nobuyuki Fukomoto. The manga series was adapted into an anime series titled Gyakkyō Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor in 2007, with a sequel series following in 2011. The manga and anime follow the story of Ito Kaiji, who finds himself coerced by poverty and massive debt into engaging in dangerous contests in order to win enough money to get himself out of debt. One of the major turning points in the manga is the ‘Human Derby’ contest, where people are forced to cross a steel beam suspended high in the air which gradually gets narrower as they proceed across. Bets are placed on the outcome of this contest, as spectators watch to see who will misstep and fall to their doom.
The VR adaptation brings the Human Derby Steel Beam contest to life, with famous scenes from the ‘Castle of Despair’ arc appearing in the VR adaptation as players take on the challenge alongside characters such as Sahara, Ishida and Kaiji himself.
Kaiji VR: Steel Beam Crossing of Despair is due to be released in Japan for PlayStation VR on 28th August, 2017, priced at 1,800 Yen. A trailer for the experience is available to view below.
VRFocus will bring you further information on Kaiji VR and other upcoming PlayStation VR titles as it becomes available.
via Mint VR