We kick off another week on VRFocus with, as always, our first trip into the world of 360 degree video with Monday’s edition of Life In 360°. Our thrice weekly look at just some of the ways 360 degree video is being used now that cameras are increasingly commonplace.
For today we’re back with one of our favourite subjects, air travel. Although on this occasion it’s with a slight military and historical twist. Nowadays it is common at air shows to have some form of ‘heritage flight’ as part of proceedings. This usually involves vintage aeroplanes usually from World War II in some way, but have you ever been a part of one? Well, you will be now as our view is that of the passenger in the Heritage Flight Museum’s P-51D Mustang, a WW2 era propeller based aircraft as it flies in astonishingly close formation with a F-22 Raptor, a jet fighter first introduced into military service in 2005 and currently active in combat zones around the world.
Two different eras, two different methods of propulsion and two very different aircraft flying along together practically touching. It’s quite the scene.
VRFocus will be back on Wednesday with another example of Life In 360°, until then be sure to check throughout the week for the very latest in virtual, agumented and mixed reality news.
via Mint VR