March 13, 202506:29:31 AM

Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul Coming to PlayStation VR Next Month

VRWERX has announced that the forthcoming PlayStation VR edition of Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul will launch next month. Having launched via Steam Early Access back in March, VRWERX assured PlayStation 4 gamers that the title would see a release for their preferred head-mounted display (HMD) before the summer’s end, and has stayed true to that promise.

Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul is a virtual reality (VR) exclusive horror experience based on the hugely popular Paranormal Activity motion-picture series. Armed with only a flashlight, the player must explore what appears to be an average looking suburban home in a woodsy American neighborhood. Before long, you’ll discover you’re not alone as you unravel the mystery of what’s gone on in this house; then it’s a struggle to survive the terror that begins to hunt you.

Alongside the launch of the PlayStation VR version will be the release of a new update for the Steam edition. In a post on the official Steam Store page for Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul, VRWERX stated: “Thanks all for your patience. we have been actively optimizing the game and chasing down and killing bugs. We will release a new update on August 15th which should resolve the nvidia driver headache, and the game will also be more optimized so hopefully the game will play better for those who are just below our recommended min spec. we also added a few game modes for you. anyway, good stuff coming soon. [sic]”

Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul will launch on the PlayStation Store on 15th August 2017, with the PC update arriving via Steam on the same day. You can see VRFocus’ Nina getting to grips with the ghouls in Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul in the video below.

via Mint VR
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