PlayStation VR Adventure Theseus Confirmed for July Launch

Back in February developer Forge Reply announced work on its first virtual reality (VR) title, an action-adventure set in the mythical worlds of Greek gods with Theseus. Then last month the studio confirmed the videogame would be coming to just the PlayStation VR this summer. Today, an exact date has been announced, 26th July 2017.

A modern twist on the classic myth of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth, Theseus has been built from the ground up for VR, tasking players with entering this dangerous world with a 33 feet tall monster at its core.

Theseus screenshot

“We wanted to take a classic story and tell it in a way that has never been done before,” said Filippo Rizzante, CEO at Forge Reply in a statement. “We really hope that players enjoy the handcrafted visual and audio design we’ve put into the world of Theseus.”

“In Theseus, our protagonist awakens alone, stranded in a hostile and mysterious place,” the studio’s description explains. “With Ariadne’s voice as his only guide, players will venture deep into the heart of the Labyrinth to unveil the truth hiding behind its mysteries. But our protagonist is not alone. The mighty Minotaur is the ruler of this world, and you are not a welcomed visitor.

The 26th July launch date applies to the US, Canadian and European territories.

The July and the start of August is set to be a bumper month for PlayStation VR fans, with Fantastic Contraption having launched, and SUPERHOT VRDino Frontier and CastleStorm VR all due out soon.

Checkout the new trailer for Theseus below, and for further updates from Forge Reply, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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