March 14, 202511:29:02 PM

Reborn: A Samurai Awakens Looks Like Metal Gear Rising For PSVR

Reborn: A Samurai Awakens Looks Like Metal Gear Rising For PSVR

One of the best features in 2013’s insane Metal Gear Solid spin-off, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, was the ability to cut up enemies at will with a razor-sharp sword. Reborn: A Samurai Awakens, looks like it will bring that feature to PlayStation VR (PSVR).

This new title was announced today by developer Geronimo Interactive. You’re cast as Yukimura Sanada, a sci-fi samurai in the year 2480 and must do battle with alien machines using a pair of pistols and lightsaber-like laser swords. You’ll also have psychic powers to play with, and players can wield a mix of weapons in their two hands, represented by the PlayStation Move controllers.

Check out the first trailer for the game below. When enemies get too close the player is able to slash them into thousands of tiny pieces. Attacks will also require them to dodge and block in specific ways to avoid damage. It looks like quite a workout.

Reborn is being published by Winking Entertainment, the company behind Unearthing Mars. The game’s due for release at the end of the year.

via Mint VR
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