Every week VR artists are making amazing new sculptures using tools like Tilt Brush and Oculus Quill. These elaborate artworks go beyond what’s possible in our world, often creating entirely new ones. It would be a shame to let these go to waste, so we’re highlighting four awesome new pieces featured on 3D model site Sketchfab that we’ve come across recently.
This week we’ve got everything from Iron Maiden to tributes to famous artists
The Writer, by vincent.joubert
We don’t know what The Writer is writing, but based on his surroundings we definitely want to read it. This vibrant piece from Quill is as strangely lovely as VR sculptures get.
Orange, breizhel
Who knew an orange could ever look so good? This one made inside Tilt Brush absolutely dazzles, and we love the particular attention paid to the branch it sits on.
Killers, by P3nT4gR4m
If you’re going to adapt a band’s album cover then you might as well start with Iron Maiden’s catalog. This awesome recreation of their classic album is frighteningly accurate. Bravo.
Tribute to M.C. Escher, by Miguelangelo Rosario
M.C. Escher made some of the most incredible woodcuts you’ll ever see. This amazing tribute to his work brings it to life inside your VR headset.
Tagged with: sketchfab
via Mint VR