Tiny Trax Gets A Patch To Making Solo Play Easier

Tiny Trax Gets A Patch To Making Solo Play Easier

When I reviewed Tiny Trax earlier this week I noted that the game’s single-player content came with a strong learning curve, partly in thanks to tough AI opponents. It was so hard I used the sub-heading ‘Micro Masochism’ for my article. I was pretty proud of that. Well, now developer FuturLab has gone and spoiled it.

Tiny Trax has today been patched to make its AI much more forgiving. In the single-player, you’ll be up against three opponents, charging around miniature maps in Scalextric-type gameplay. The game features a tricky turning mechanic in which players have to position their cars at the right angle, or their vehicle will screech to a halt. It’s a fun mechanic but it’s difficult to master, and computer opponents had no trouble racing past you while you get to grips with the system.

Those core mechanics haven’t been altered; you’ll still need to give Tiny Trax a lot of time and effort in order to master it, but you’ll at least be able to get ahead of the competition a little faster.

Tiny Trax is primarily meant to be played in multiplayer anyway, and human error can make that mode a little more forgiving. Either way, we already recommended you pick it up earlier this week and with this new patch out you have even less reason not to do so.

via Mint VR
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