Over a year on from first seeing it and Ctrl remains one of our favorite VR movies. Breaking Fourth pushed the medium forward with a short story that looked past the awe of VR and told something shocking and memorable. After a long wait, the team’s next experience has finally been revealed, and it’s called Utopia 6.
We don’t have much to go on right now other than a small plot outline. Utopia 6 is set 200 years in the future and depicts a world ruined by war and disaster. The top 1% of the world’s eagerly awaits Utopia 6, a luxurious city that puts the worlds past behind you. In the film, you’re taken on a tour of this new world with the CEO of its creator, Utopia Life Corporation. His assistant, Bea, joins you, but it soon becomes clear she is struggling to adapt to this strange new world.
Thematically, the piece is about the struggles of adapting to new communities and overcoming outsider status. It’s directed by David Kaskel and Nathan Miller and written by Jo Harper. It’s set to last 10 minutes.
Want a first look at it? The World Premiere will be held at the FuturePlay VR event during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival from August 3rd – 26th. We don’t know about a wider release just yet, although Ctrl is now available on everything from Gear VR to PlayStation VR, so hopefully we’ll see Utopia 6 follow on soon.
via Mint VR