March 23, 2025

Volkswagen Introduces VR Hub For Global Manufacturing

German-based car manufacturer Volkswagen have announced the creation of a hub of virtual reality (VR) applications for production and logistics that allow engineers and designers to meet up in VR to exchange ideas, even if they are in different countries.

Volkswagen has operations in countries all over the world, so an application that allows talented people in different countries to brainstorm together to develop new designs is a valuable tool. The Volkswagen Digital Reality Hub was developed alongside start-up company Innoactive, and it allows multiple existing tools and applications to be bundled together in a single VR platform for easy access.

Dennis Abmeier, of Volkswagen Group IT, explained: “Exchanging knowledge is just as important as bundling knowledge. That’s why we came up with the Volkswagen Digital Reality Hub central platform in collaboration with Innoactive. All employees have access to all existing VR elements. as well as existing knowledge via the platform. That way, we enable individual units to implement new use cases quickly and jointly move in VR applications so they can plan new workflows interactively.”

Mathias Synowski, a VR user from Group Logistics, described the added value of virtual reality solutions: “Going forward, we can be virtual participants in workshops taking place at other sites or we can access virtual support from experts at another brand if we are working on an optimization. That will make our daily teamwork much easier and save a great deal of time.”

The Volkswagen Digital Reality Hub will be unveiled officially at the Digility Conference and exhibition in Cologne this week.

VRFocus will bring you further news on industry and commercial use of VR technology as it becomes available.

via Mint VR
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