VR Comedy Film Miyubi Released For Oculus Rift and Gear VR

There have been several serious, hard-hitting virtual reality (VR) productions and 360-degree videos, but for whatever reason, comedy has not yet been a huge part of the VR library. Felix & Paul Studios, along with Funny or Die and Oculus are bringing feature-length comedy story Miyubi to Oculus rift and Samsung Gear VR.

Miyubi puts the VR user in the body of a 2-foot-tall robot from the 80s, somewhat similar to Nintendo’s famous R.O.B. The story of the family the robot lives with unfolds around the user in an experience that lasts for over 40 mins. Miyubi originally debuted at Sundance Film Festival where it garnered considerable praise for its narrative and innovation.

Félix Lajeunesse of Felix & Paul Studios said of creating in VR: “We often compare the process of creating a VR experience to the work of Alexander Calder and his suspended mobile sculptures; we aren’t satisfied with a VR experience until we feel like we’ve established a sense of global balance and equilibrium between all the components and concepts in the piece.”

“In Miyubi, for example, you experience the world as a two-foot-tall vintage robot and see your own body,” Lajeunesse continued, “So we established an acting style and tone that would blend well with that twisted point of view. If we achieve the right balance, then the sense of presence is elevated, the VR experience feels right, and viewers are emotionally and psychologically engaged and lose track of time.”

Owners of the Samsung Gear VR and Oculus Rift can download Miyubi from free from the Oculus Store now.

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via Mint VR
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