VRobot Developer Luden.io Reveals AR Tribe Made with Apple’s ARKit

Today, Luden.io, the developer behind virtual reality (VR) titles such as InMind 2 and VRobot, has announced its first foray into the world of augmented reality (AR), unveiling AR Tribe, a videogame that utilises Apple’s ARKit technology.

AR Tribe is a god simulator where players have to look after and guide their tribe, just this time it’s using AR, so these digital folks are in the real-world as well. Still in its early stages, the videogame will allow players to choose from a range of options to improve the prosperity of their tribe whilst at the same time the tribe comes to them for advice.


Luden.io hasn’t revealed much more than that and the couple of gifs you can see above and below.

“We want to make your first app, which will help you to get acquainted with ARKit technology and have a lot of fun,” commented Oleg Chumakov, CEO of Luden.io in a statement. “But if you look deeper, this game is about how to adapt to a rapidly changing environment, and how to help others to adapt. Even if you are not a patron with your tribe”.

For those interested in getting a first look at the title the studio will be running an early access test towards the end of the summer. All you need to do is subscribe and Luden.io will notify you accordingly.

While some developers have likely had access to ARKit for sometime, the software was only announced during Apple’s   annual WWDC 2017 conference in June. The keynote featured a couple of demonstrations such as a LEGO model that could be exploded and Wingnut AR Studio with an interactive scene

As further details on AR Tribe are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.


via Mint VR
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