March 23, 202511:48:33 AM

Watch SteamVR’s Knuckles Controllers Fire A Bow And Arrow in QuiVr

Watch SteamVR’s Knuckles Controllers Fire A Bow And Arrow in QuiVr

Slowly but surely the VR developer community is getting to grips (literally) with the new SteamVR Kunckles dev kits. The latest team to get its pair on a hands is the studio behind QuiVr, and it’s already got an impressive showcase of what they can do.

A member of the QuiVr team recently posted this below GIF of Reddit. It shows a player using the new controllers to fire a bow and arrow — something we’ve pretty much all done in VR now — with the kit’s new finger tracking. Within the experience the user is able to more accurately grab an arrow with two fingers and pull it back. On a Reddit thread, the developer noted that this was only the result of a day’s worth of work and that the controllers were “surprisingly easy” to work with.

This is just yet another glimpse that makes user easier to get our hands on these new controllers. Sadly there’s no word on a consumer release yet, but we’re holding out hope that it’s this year.

via Mint VR
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