March 18, 2025

Ancient Amuletor Releases ‘Into The Ice’ DLC

Publisher Time of Virtual Reality have revealed that DLC for Ancient Amuletor will be getting DLC titled ‘Into the Ice’ that will be available from today, 29th August, 2017.

The DLC packs will be available for free to users who already own copies of the title for the next two weeks. After that, the Into The Ice DLC will be available for $2.99 (USD) from the PlayStation Store.

Into The Ice will contain two new maps, the Ice Cave, a frozen stage that is designed to reflect the Nordic theme of the DLC, and also The Void, a new level set in Ancient Egypt, which was previously teased on Twitter. A new playable hero will also be introduced, Kane the Viking, a warrior of the North who throws weapons at his enemies. Kane will be the fifth hero to be introduced to the title, in addition to existing heroes the Archer, Gunner, Puppeteer and Mage.

VRFocus previously reviewed Ancient Amuletor and gave it a generally positive review, saying: “The levels look beautiful, the use of Unreal Engine 4 clear in the graphical fidelity and colours. The title uses the ancient world as inspiration for the levels, which creates a nice ambiance, though the comic-book-like ‘kill’ and ‘slow’ pop-ups are jarringly out-of-place at times. Its also a shame that there is no plot or storyline to speak of, no voice acting or comments from the hero characters. It would be nice to know why we are defending these crystals, who the heroes are and why they are there.”

Ancient Amuletor has also recently received an update introducing left-handed support, better online functionality and a leaderboard.

VRFocus will bring you further news on Ancient Amuletor as it becomes available.

via Mint VR
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