March 26, 202508:44:50 AM

Ancient Amuletor Will Be Getting DLC

Publishers of PlayStation VR wave shooter Ancient Amuletor, Time of VR have announced on Twitter their intention to bring downloadable content to the title, starting with a new level titled The Void which will be released on 29th August, 2017.

Ancient Amuletor is a first-person wave shooter set in a fantasy world inspired by ancient civilisations such as the Ancient Egyptians. Players can control one of four hero characters, Mage, Gunner, Puppeteer or Archer. The goal is to cut down undead monsters before they can get to the power crystals and destroy them. Some levels feature boss fights against giant creatures such as a stone sphinx. Players can teleport around the arena and lay down traps, adding a strategic element and the option to switch hero on the fly is also present for if a different gameplay style is needed.

VRFocus previously reviewed Ancient Amuletor, giving it a positive review, saying: “Ancient Amuletor is a fun way to kill a few hours, with some simple, intuitive combat and enough interesting innovations to keep it fresh. Along with the lovely graphics making it nice to look at.”

So far, few details except the name and two screenshots of the new level have been revealed. The new ‘The Void’ level appears to be shrouded in night, creating a slightly different atmosphere as giant stone Anubis statues loom over the area.

There is no confirmation on what price point the DLC level will be set at, or if it will be free, as the developer has previously indicated its intention to release free DLC packs. It is not known at this point what other DLC may be in the works.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Ancient Amuletor as it becomes available.

via Mint VR
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