March 22, 202509:34:04 AM

Bethesda Announces 2017 Launch Dates For Fallout 4 VR, Skyrim VR, And Doom VFR

Bethesda Announces 2017 Launch Dates For Fallout 4 VR, Skyrim VR, And Doom VFR

Today Bethesda finally announced the official release dates for all three of its upcoming VR titles. You’ll be able to enjoy them all before the year’s over. Going into the year we knew about Fallout 4 VR already after playing it at E3 2016, but this year they announced both DOOM VFR and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR for the very first time.

Here’s when you can play each of Bethesda’s upcoming VR games:

  • Skyrim VR: November 17th for PSVR (No mention of Rift, Vive release presumably next year)
  • DOOM VFR: December 1st for PSVR and HTC Vive (No mention of Rift)
  • Fallout 4 VR: December 12th for HTC Vive (No mention of Rift, PSVR release presumably next year)

You’ll notice that none of the games have Rift dates and that’s likely due to the ongoing legal issues between Bethesda parent company ZeniMax and Facebook-owned Oculus VR. When we talked to a Bethesda spokesperson at E3 about Rift support for any of the three titles they simply explained that they wanted to see their games on as many platforms as possible. My gut tells me this will be in the form of potential Rift support on Steam VR but not a release on Oculus Home. If it works on Vive then there’s really no reason it can’t launch on a Rift too. Even Google Earth VR had a workaround when the Rift was initially blocked. The reality of how this plays out remains to be seen for a few more months, however.

For our direct hands-on impressions of each game you can read more about what we thought of the latest Fallout 4 VR demo here, the Skyrim VR demo here, and the DOOM VFR demo both here and here. Let us know what you think of the games and how they’re shaping up down in the comments below!

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