Where would we be without the emergency services? Well, in a lot of cases dead. Which is a frightening prospect. What they deal with on a daily basis is extraordinary. Today’s video focuses on the feats they do, and, from a personal point of view, the feats they accomplish close to home.
As part of a look at just what goes on in the health profession the BBC went behind the scenes and produced a new documentary, six minute long and filmed in 360 degrees. Called Ambulance VR, the video you join the paramedic team onboard an emergency response vehicle of the West Midlands Ambulance Service.
You have a front row seat, as well as the ambulance front seat, to the reaction to an emergency.
VRFocus is back on Friday with our third and final Life In 360° for the week. For a in-depth look at the healthservice and how VR is being used to teach those in the healthcare industry check out the most recent edition of The VR Doctor, here.
via Mint VR