Good news all, you’ve made it to Wednesday. It’s been a crazy ol’ week thus far with Gamescom news coming thick and fast. We start off today however with our second scheduled trip of the week to the world of 360 degree video. We’re also back, after Monday’s intensive driving course, with the FBI for some education in Hawaii.
More specifically the agency shows footage from a two-day field training exercise called PROVE or Practical Observation and Vocational Experience to give it its full title. As part of their Adopt-a-School the FBI’s Honolulu Division worked with the University of Hawaii and students from two different high schools to show off some of the work they do. Including solving a mock kidnapping and ending with the students working on a fictional crime scene. Let’s hope no teachers disappeared!
You can see the video below. VRFocus will be back on Friday for our last schedule video of the week. What will it be? Well it won’t be a third visit to the Bureau but you’ll have to wait until then to find out exactly what it is.
via Mint VR