March 23, 202511:52:02 PM

Life In 360°: What Goes Up…

Welcome to Wednesday. I’m back from holiday and we’re off to the races once again for some more 360 degree videos. For today’s video we’re joining photographer and YouTuber Sara Dietschy (rhymes with peachy, apparently) for a trip she took back in 2016. This particular trip wasn’t the usual A to B but more A to B to A. With A being on the ground and B being specfically rather hight up in the air.

Dietschy, armed with a 360 degree camera, takes on her first skydiving jump with the aid of an instructor. But first she has to prepare for the jump. Athough what she hears isn’t particulalry helpful – especially that the person jumping with her previously broke her leg doing a jump.

Regardless of this you can check out the view from above as she descends in the video which is below. VRFocus will be back on Friday with our last Li360 for the week.

via Mint VR
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