Humaneyes Technologies announced today that they are enhancing their 360-degree Vuze Camera. We covered the ‘prosumer’-targeted device when it launched last spring. The Vuze is really eight cameras in one device, which allows users to record 360-degree videos in 4K resolution.
What are the improvements? First, new apps for Android and iOS that will allow videographers to preview content and change exposure settings. Mac users will also be getting a beta for Vuze VR Studio, which promises “near real-time” processing of VR content. PC users, who have had Vuze VR Studio for a while now, will receive an update that improves the automated image stitching, which ties all eight cameras together into one image. Finally, Google Street View integration will allow users to share their content directly to the service.
The improvements don’t stop with software- Vuze also announced a waterproof case for their small camera, allowing users to take it scuba diving, snorkeling, or anywhere else underwater.
More enhancements are coming. According to Humaneyes Technologies’ CEO Shahar Bin-Nun, “We’ve also been getting lots of requests to make it possible to live stream VR content captured from the Vuze VR Camera and are happy to announce that we’ll have those and other features live early next year.”
via Mint VR