March 23, 202508:29:51 AM

PlayStation VR Brings The Big Guns to Gamescom

Gamescom is one of the biggest events of the year from developers and videogame fans. As such, Sony have brought out all its most hotly anticipated virtual reality (VR) titles to showcase at the event, most of which have playable demos available.

PlayStation has its own dedicated area on the show floor where attendees can ‘check in’ to try some of the biggest upcoming titles on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR. VR-compatible titles on offer include Grant Turismo Sport, for which a set of full arcade-style racing seats have been set up to offer the most realistic experience on the eagerly awaited driving simulator. The VR mode for Gran Turismo Sport is only available in 1vs1 mode, but the PlayStation VR has been set up and is awaiting use if attendees wish to test it.

Also available at the PlayStation stand is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR, a title whose announcement was greeted with great enthusiasm at E3. The Elder Scrolls is one of the most successful western RPGs, and its move into VR is eagerly awaited by fans. Another RPG title that is available is Final Fantasy XV: Monster of the Deep, the Final Fantasy XV spin-off that using fishing as a central mechanic, along with introducing several RPG elements such as equipment upgrades.

PlayStation VR exclusive shooter Bravo Team is also on offer, giving Gamescom attendees the chance to get to grips with an Aim controller in the upcoming cover-based military-style shooter.

While not on the PlayStation stand, another anticipated PlayStation VR title was available to play, with Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown being demonstrated at the Bandai stand for players to take control of a military jet in immersive VR.

VRFocus will continue to report on the latest news from Gamescom

via Mint VR
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