Though the success of the PlayStation VR appears to have taken Sony by surprise initially, the company appears to have recovered well. Data from Google shows that PlayStation VR has consistently been the most popular virtual reality (VR) platform to search for over June and July, only briefly matched by the Oculus Rift.
Search data from Google indicates a steady dominance of searches for VR platforms, featuring peaks during E3 and on the 24th June, possibly coinciding with Sony’s release of the full trailer showing off upcoming PlayStation VR titles, along with the announcement that Summer Lesson PlayStation VR bundles would be available worldwide. The search figures mostly remaining consistently higher than other VR platforms such as HTC Vive, Google Daydream, Samsung Gear VR and Oculus Rift, until a shift occurs on 10th July, 2017.
The Oculus Rift saw a sharp uptick in its search numbers on Google after Oculus announced that its price was dropping to $399 (USD) as part of the Oculus Rift Summer Sale. The Oculus Rift and Touch bundle was also available in Europe for £399 (GBP), causing a surge in searches as people sought out the best deals.
Ultimately, the surge petered out, returning to PlayStation VR place as ruler of the search terms from 15th July onwards.
It remains to be seen if and how Sony are planning to capitalise on the high visibility currently enjoyed by the PlayStation VR. There are currently several high-profile titles available for Sony’s VR platform, with titles such as Farpoint, Star Trek: Bridge Crew getting significant attention, along with upcoming titles such as Archangel also piquing the interest of players.
VRFocus will continue to bring you news on the latest developments in the VR industry.
via Mint VR