Gravity-defying virtual reality (VR) racing title Radial-G: Racing Revolved will be coming to mobile VR with the launch of the title on Google Daydream.
Radial-G: Racing Revolved is a futuristic racing title similar to titles such as F-Zero or WipEout. Developed by Tammeka Games entirely with VR in mind, the tile was built around the idea of providing a sense of speed, with gameplay that involves not only going faster than the opposition, but also taking them out using whatever means possible. To that end a variety of weaponry is available, such as mines and homing missiles.
The Google Daydream version of Radial-G: Racing Revolved will come with a single player experience vs four AI vehicles, with the same nine tracks and three starter ships available, with four more to unlock as the player progresses. There will be eight gameplay modes available, including Combat Racing, Death Race and Eliminator. It has not yet been confirmed if online play will be available.
The developers have gone to some lengths to ensure the visual quality of the Google Daydream version is as good as the PC VR version, and the soundtrack has also been kept the same between versions.
The Google Daydream version of Radial-G: Racing Revolved will be released on 24th August, 2017, priced at £4.99 (GBP).
VRFocus will bring you further information on Radial-G: Racing Revolved and other upcoming Google Daydream titles as it becomes available.
via Mint VR