March 26, 202511:16:45 AM

See More of They Came From Space’s City Destruction in New Screenshots

Cloudgine, the company behind the cloud physics system incorporated into Oculus Toybox and the forthcoming Crackdown 3, recently announced a new virtual reality (VR) title, They Came From Space. Designed to bring VR and non-VR players together, They Came From Space promises to deliver multiplayer mayhem destruction to PC, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

They Came From Space screenshotThe destruction that can be witnessed in the new screenshots from They Came From Space in the gallery below is based on Cloudgine’s own technology. The cloud-based physics engine supports a wide range of middleware solutions including Unreal Engine 4, Nvidia PhysX, Havok and cloud platforms such as AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform, making it simple to adopt and integrate into any project. Given that the heavy lifting is removed from the local processor and instead handled in the cloud, developers looking to add massive compute power to a videogame can do so without, according to Cloudgine, drastically altering their development processes.

The new screenshots for They Came From Space are available in the gallery below. VRFocus will be meeting with Cloudgine at Gamescom, Cologne, later this week and will bring you all the latest details on the videogame and the cloud-based physics technology.

They Came From Space screenshots


via Mint VR
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