March 25, 202511:55:09 PM

The Biggest HTC Vive Releases For The Week Of 08/13/17

The Biggest HTC Vive Releases For The Week Of 08/13/17

There’s plenty of intriguing releases to check out on Vive this week. We’ve got some great new musical pieces, a VR horror experience for film fans, and the long-awaited launch of a promising RPG. Let’s dive in.

In the meantime, if you missed the previous iteration of this list, you can see those new releases here. And don’t forget that UploadVR has a Steam community group, complete with a curated list of recommendations so that you don’t have to waste any money finding out what’s good in the world of VR.

We also have a top list of the absolute best HTC Vive games — which is updated every few months with the latest and greatest options.

The Big Releases

Chocolate, from Viacom NEXT
Price: $1.99 (Rift)

Chocolate is the latest bizarre and insanely entertaining VR experience from Tyler Hurd. It drops you into a funky music video that’s filled with cats and drowns you in the furry critters until you can’t take it anymore. Be prepared for cutesy eyes, surreal landscapes, and maximum d’aaaaaaw.

Recommendation: Definitely worth picking this up. Read our thoughts.

CollabHub, from CollabHub
Price: $6.99

This is an interesting new piece of creative software that’s all about drawing on VR whiteboards. A range of tools let you create detailed artwork, or just prep presentations and more. It’s in Early Access right now, but multi-user collaboration is on the way.

Recommendation: Great to try out for work purposes.

Out of Ammo: Death Drive, from RocketWerkz
Price: $14.99 (Rift)

Dean Hall’s RocketWerkz is back with a surprise sequel to last year’s Out of Ammo. Death Drive gives you another zombie-killing campaign mixed with strategic base-building elements. Scavenge environments for exotic weaponry and then have fun blowing the enemies’ heads off with it.

Recommendation: If you liked the first Out of Ammo, you’ll probably dig this. We weren’t super-impressed though.

The SoulKeeper VR, from HELM Systems
Price: $39.99 (Rift, currently discounted)

A long-awaited VR RPG finally makes its way into Early Access for Rift and Vive this week. SoulKeeper will have you summoning spells to fight off fantastical enemies. Graphically this is one of the better looking VR games out there at the minute.

Recommendation: This one’s worth grabbing even in Early Access, but be prepared for some Early Access performance problems while things are worked out.

Also Available

Impromptu Vector Field Painter
Miniature TD – VR
Nano Shift
Treasure Hunt VR
VR Shooter Guns
Journey VR
Frontline Heroes VR
MermaidVR Video Player
Song Samurai
Header Goal VR: Being Axel Rix
The Museum of ThroughView
Altar Show
VR Battleship Yamato
The Music Room
Hop Step Sing!
Insanity VR

via Mint VR
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