March 22, 202505:45:46 PM

Watch Final Fantasy XV PSVR’s Developers Go On A Fishing Trip (Really)

Watch Final Fantasy XV PSVR’s Developers Go On A Fishing Trip (Really)

Final Fantasy XV may no longer be getting its own PlayStation VR (PSVR) mode, but it is getting a full spin-off fishing game, as revealed at E3 this year. Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV is a VR fishing game set in the expansive world of last year’s Japanese role-playing game. Today, we learned a bit more about it.

Square Enix showcased more of the game during a presentation at the PlayStation Experience in South East Asia this past weekend. According to DualShockers, Lead Designer Wan Hazmer revealed that the game will cast players as themselves, hanging out with the cast of the original adventure as they take time off to fish. There will be a story mode and a free play mode, and you’ll be able to earn cash to upgrade your gear. More modes will be announced later down the line.

There are also going to be boss fights against huge creatures, including the beast seen in the game’s logo. You’ll use weapons to take some of these fishes down.

If you’ve come looking for new assets then feast your eyes on these new pictures of some of the game’s environments. They’re gorgeous (though screen capped, so not the highest quality), and Hazmer says there are more on the way. In fact, you can expect Monster of the Deep to be a full game in its own right; this is an entirely standalone project and not DLC for FFXV.

Oh, there was also a video of the developers doing a research fishing trip. Yes, it’s literally just them fishing. But, hey, check it out if you really want to.

Monster of the Deep will be launching this September and is exclusive to PSVR for now.

via Mint VR
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