March 24, 202509:53:33 PM

Baltimore Ravens Introduces New AR Fans App

We’ve already had this week’s edition of This Week In VR Sport yesterday but there’s still items coming in. This time however the news revolves around augmented reality (AR) and a new app for fans of NFL franchise the Baltimore Ravens.

The Ravens have teamed up with Faceware Interactive and Image Metrics technology to develop the app which, essentially, gives you a variety of snapchat style filters providing fans with ‘virtual facepaint’. which they can then share across social media. The deal with Faceware Interactive sees them become the first ever official AR provider for the Ravens – which the team say is a first in professional sport.

“We say it all the time… we want attending a game to be an amazing experience for our fans. We want to create lifelong memories. Our face paint executions are not only a cool way for our fans to show their team spirit, they create those great memories.” said Michelle Andres, Senior Vice President of Ravens Media.

“It brings us great pleasure to bring our technology into the sports world.” Added Peter Busch, Vice President of Business Development for Faceware Interactive. “Ravens fans will get to share their pride unlike any fan has ever done before, and to be a part of that is special.”

Additional items include, later in the 2017 season, access to the ‘Fan Mirror’, a full-size, moveable, face recognition mirror located on stadium concourse. Next year will see the application of AR be rolled out to the in-stadium cameras as well.

You can download the app on the iTunes store here. For more news about AR and VR use in sport be sure to follow VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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