March 18, 202508:48:23 AM

Bartending Simulator Taphouse VR Announced

Most people who have played Dungeons and Dragons will know that most good adventures start off in the bar. Developer Catland Ltd wants to make that doubly true with Taphouse VR, a virtual reality videogame about tending bar for drunken dwarves.

Dwarves do like their booze, and in Taphouse VR, it is the player’s job to make sure the dwarf customers are kept suitably supplied with whatever alcoholic beverage they desire. Players can serve and mix a variety of drinks, but at the same time, will need to keep an eye on the customers in case they get a little too rowdy.

Catland Ltd. CEO Tomi Toikka said, “Taphouse VR is the single best drunk dwarf bartender simulator on the planet. It’s like ‘My Summer Bar’. If you want to experience a horrible approximation of night life after 1 AM in a local drinking hole, boy do we have a game for you.”

Taphouse VR will be released onto Steam Early Access for the HTC Vive on 17th October, 2017. During its time in Early Access, the development team are planning to add more features to the title, such as additional taverns, and new drink recipes to try out. The team will be accepting feedback and suggestions from the Steam community on ways to improve Taphouse VR before release.

A price point for the title has yet to be confirmed. Nor is it known if there are plans to port Taphouse VR to any other VR platforms.

A trailer is available to view below.

VRFocus will continue to report on new and upcoming VR projects.

via Mint VR
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