Budget Cuts Still In Development, Now Coming 2018

Budget Cuts Still In Development, Now Coming 2018

Remember Budget Cuts? The promising VR stealth game we got a taste of around the launch of the HTC Vive? Fear not; it’s still in development.

Reddit users recently spotted that the Steam listing for the game, developed by Neat Corporation, had switched its release time frame from 2017 to 2018. The developer has since confirmed to Road to VR that the game will indeed be coming in early 2018. It’s been a long wait, but put in a few more months and we’ll finally get to play.

Budget Cuts was one of the first games to introduce teleportation as a locomotion mechanic, cleverly implementing it into the gameplay with a gun that would transport you to where you shot. Using this mechanic, you’re tasked with infiltrating a facility filled with patrolling robots. A demo for the game is still available, though hopefully there’s been a lot of new elements added in the year and a half since its release.

The last time we heard from the team it offered a detailed rundown on the game’s locomotion system and how it managed to perfect it.

As far as we know the game’s only in development for the HTC Vive right now, though here’s hoping it reaches Rift too.

via Mint VR
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