Cheetah Mobile Launched ARKit-Powered ARCam App

Chinese mobile internet company Cheetah Mobile is getting involved with the world of augmented reality (AR), joining several other firms who have taken advantage of the improved capabilities of Apple’s ARKit to develop AR apps.

The newly-launched ARCam app allows users to create a unique photo by inserting 3D images, such as weather-based icons like the angry lightning cloud or sleepy moon, as well as the more recognisable emojis such as the happy, sad or angry emojis. Users can also add a time and date stamp and location tag, to help preserve memories of time and place for the future, and help other people find those images.

“ARCam is a new, streamlined app that allows people to have more fun with their phone camera than ever before, by creating images that pop with augmented reality,” explains Jill Shih, Vice President of Product & User Experience at Cheetah Mobile. “The application allows users to insert popular emojis, location tags and digital time stamps into photographs and short videos which can be saved and shared on Instagram, Facebook, Messenger and sent via text and email.”

Cheetah Mobile hope that by creating a clean, simple way for users who have not previously engaged with AR to try out the technology, it will encourage them to try it out and let their imagination run wild.

Cheetah Mobile are also running a promotion where ARCam users can share images created using the app on Instagram using the hashtag #ARCam and each day the promotion is running one person will win a $50 (USD) gift card, as well as having their post featured on the official ARCAm Instagram page.

VRFocus will continue to report on new development in AR technology.

via Mint VR
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