March 22, 202512:55:24 PM

Destructive Puzzler Crashimals Blasts out of Steam Early Access This Week

Back in January indie developer Rogue Earth released Angry Birds style virtual reality (VR) title Crashimals for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift on Steam Early Access. Just like every videogame in early access a full release is always on the cards and tomorrow Crashimals will see its official launch.

The videogame puts you in control of an assortment of animals who happen to be flying planes. The puzzles revolve around you having to destroy buildings with as fewer bombs as possible, whilst trying not to blow up the presents littered around each level.

Crashimals screenshot 2

With four environments and 72 puzzles to play through, Crashimals has been designed to be as simple as possible to fly the planes so that players of any age can enjoy it. There’s only one lose condition, running out of bombs. If that happens you can crash the plane to reset the level.

Crashimals can be purchased through Steam for £22.99 GBP. For any further updates from Rogue Earth, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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