March 22, 202511:58:08 AM

Dove Chocolate Bringing VR Experience to Life is Beautiful & Voodoo Festivals

Branded virtual reality (VR) content is nothing new, yet bringing such experiences to festivals around the world has been seeing something of a significant investment in 2017. Set to make its debut at Life is Beautiful, Las Vegas, 22nd – 24th September 2017, DOVE Chocolate VR Experience is the latest application to offer attendees their first taste of VR.

DOVE Chocolate VR Experience_1

Attendees of Life is Beautiful can travel to New York City, Paris and Iceland through the DOVE Chocolate VR Experience, showcased on a Samsung Gear VR. A gif maker will also be available with attendees invited to share their gifs on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #ChoosePleasure in order to enter a competition for ‘the holiday of a lifetime’. Exactly what the prize on offer (or any additional terms and conditions) are not currently known.

Following its debut this weekend, the DOVE Chocolate VR Experience will also appear at the Voodoo Festival, New Orleans, 27th – 29th October 2017.

Despite the DOVE Chocolate VR Experience being demonstrated on a Samsung Gear VR, it’s not currently been confirmed whether the title will be offered to owners of the device. VRFocus will of course keep you updated with all the latest details.

via Mint VR
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