March 26, 202504:09:57 PM

Evocat Games Announce Nemesis Perspective Sequel Nemesis Realms

Last December Evocat Games released its unique PvP combat title Nemesis Perspective for HTC Vive, where the virtual reality (VR) player controls a boss character while the hero is controlled by a second player on a monitor. In August the team brought the title to Oculus Rift and this month they’ve announced work on its sequel, Nemesis Realms.

Nemesis Realms takes the same gameplay mechanics as its predecessor – big boss fights between mates – and cranks it up a notch. The title adds two brand new worlds with their own unique mechanics and quirks. Additionally, now up to four players will be able to fight it out.

Nemesis Realms screenshot 2

The videogame is scheduled to launch during spring 2018 to Oculus Store and Steam, with other possible platform releases following at a later date.

As Evocat Games releases further details on Nemesis Realms VRFocus will let you know.

via Mint VR
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