March 25, 2025

Justice League VR Hits Rift, Vive And PSVR In December

Justice League VR Hits Rift, Vive And PSVR In December

Yet another chance to become Batman in VR arrives this December, and this time he’s bringing some friends with him.

Earlier this year we reported that Warner Bros would be releasing a VR experience to tie-in to its superhero holiday blockbuster, Justice League. This month, we’ve finally learned more about the experience, including Warner Bros’s elaborate roll out plans, which involve a very small sample of the app that you can try out now.

Justice League VR will feature five mini-games that each allow you to control one specific member of DC’s flagship superhero team, save for Superman himself. You’ll be able to drive the Batmobile as Batman, fight off enemies as Wonder Woman, explore the ocean as Aquaman, stop a bomb as The Flash, and destroy robots as Cyborg. A demo experience teasing all of these games is actually available right now for free on Google Cardboard on iOS and Android, but more evolved versions of the app are on the way. The taster offers 90-second previews of each game.

For starters, a full room-scale edition of the app will be shown running on the HTC Vive at the Justice League booth at New York Comic Con from October 5th – 8th. Fans will be able to line up and get a taste of the action for themselves. Then, when the film releases on November 17th, the app will make its debut at IMAX Centers across the world. Warner Bros specifically partnered with IMAX to produce this content (along with another app for next year’s Aquaman film), so it’ll be exclusive for two weeks.

Finally, in December, the full experience will release on Rift, Vive, PSVR, Cardboard, and Gear VR.

It won’t be the first time we’d donned Batman’s cowl; Arkham VR on Rift, Vive and PSVR offers a full adventure as the caped crusader, and another mobile VR experience is coming too.

Warner Bros also says it’s possible that new experiences based on other DC characters may be added to the app over time. We guess that would mean the Man of Steel himself.

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