March 24, 202509:36:00 AM

Life In 360°: Tilt Brush Down Under

The week has rushed by us once again but before we dive into the welcoming arms of the weekend there’ still a day of all sorts of news to get through – and of course one last scheduled visit to the world of 360 degree video.

For today’s Life In 360° we’re off to Australia to take in a partnership between Google and creative and design platform Semi Permanent and have through a series of four creators created unique art which utilizes Google’s virtual reality (VR) art program Tilt Brush. It is called, appropriately enough, Collaboration.

“In the very beginning, Sharni [Spencer] created the bones for a horse character that evolved from the movements she made.” Explains one of the artists James Jean, who along with Spencer is also joined by Kelvin Ho and Luke Lucas. “Then along the way, her movements became these nests of activity, and I would go in and tease out images and new ideas – branches would evolve and erupt from these nests that Sharni created. It all evolved very naturally.”

You can check out the art installation below in 360 degrees as well as a behind the scenes feature in normal vision. VRFocus will be back on Monday with another Li360, be sure to check out everything today and over the weekend to stay up to date in the fast moving worlds of VR and augmented reality (AR).

via Mint VR
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