Announced back in June, Logtown Studios has now released its virtual reality (VR) adventure title Cloudborn for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive through Steam Early Access.
Cloudborn is a immersive adventure in which players have to climb and scale the virtual world to uncover the fate of a lost civilisation. As a non-violent, pure exploration videogame, players will be able to scale buildings, cliffs and vegetation using custom made momentum-system, allowing them to throw themselves between handholds to climb faster.
In its current early access state Cloudborn features six complete levels to clamber through, with further content being added over the planned three to six month early access period.
“I’m really excited to release Cloudborn and get feedback from the players,” said Lead Designer Alberto Amigo. “We’re doing early access to reach the level of comfort, fun and accessibility that we aim for. With the amount of movement we have in our game, it’s critical that players are able to have comfortable experience no matter their physical makeup or level of VR experience.”
The videogame is available with a 10 percent until 3rd October, dropping the price from £10.99 GBP down to £9.89.
A PlayStation VR version is also in the works, and when further details are released VRFocus will let you know.
via Mint VR