Mario Kart isn’t the only beloved gaming franchise to get a VR arcade spin-off over in Japan; Capcom’s Monster Hunter franchise has come to headsets too.
First spotted by VRFocus, Monster Hunter x Circle of Saviors is a VR experience now on display at the Aeon Mall in Tsudanuma, Japan. As that name suggests, this project is a collaboration with Japanese developer, Fivefor, the creator of Circle of Saviors. On display at E3 back in June, that game was a sword-slinging monster battler that drew attention thanks to a rather epic show of display from one player (see the below video). Sounds perfect for a Monster Hunter mash-up, right?
Sadly there’s no gameplay to go by right now, just the above image showing one of the series’ many swords ready to be used. It’s starring alongside HTC Vive’s Front Defense, so at a guess we’d say it’s running on Vive just like Circle of Saviors itself does (and there’s a picture of a Vive in the post, which helps).
Capcom’s site describes the game as a ‘limited collaboration’, so we wouldn’t expect to see this released for home-based headsets anytime soon. Just as with Mario Kart VR, though, we’d love to get our hands on it.
via Mint VR