Love it or hate it, Niantic Labs’ augmented reality (AR) app Pokémon GO is still massively popular worldwide – even after the debacle in Chicago and the European events all being postphoned. This month sees the studio roll out its next promotion, the Pokémon GO September equinox in-game event.
Beginning at 9:00 P.M. BST on Friday, 22nd September to 9:00 P.M. BST on Monday, 2nd October, 2017, players participating in the event can earn double Stardust for catching Pokémon and hatching Eggs, collect special 2 km Eggs at PokéStops and Gyms, and gather special boxes from the in-game shop including the all-new Super Incubators, which hatch Eggs 1.5 times faster.
Additionally, when players register a new Pokémon to their Pokédex they’ll earn triple the normal XP during the event time frame.
Over the last few weeks Niantic Labs announced three new legendary creatures would be arriving over September/October, while the Pokémon Company’s, Chief Executive Officer Tsunekazu Ishihara indicated that there were big plans afoot for Pokémon GO.
For the latest updates on Pokémon GO, keep reading VRFocus.
via Mint VR