March 17, 202507:22:30 AM

ProjectM Brings Lifelike Avatars to VR in Two New Experiences

EVR Studio has launched the long awaited ProjectM on Steam. Compatible with Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, ProjectM arrives in two editions showcasing the visual fidelity and AI driven digital characters set to be featured in a forthcoming videogame project.

ProjectM teaserProjectM: Dream, originally revealed in May 2016, is a virtual reality (VR) experience that demonstrates EVR Studio’s high quality virtual characters, rendered in real-time, that players can emotionally connect with. ProjectM: Dream is a teaser for a full videogame currently expected to launch in 2018, and offers a sneak preview of one of the main heroines as she briefly appears and fades away in a dream-like setting. ProjectM: Dream is available to download now for free.

The second title, Project M: Daydream, is a short VR experience that allows players to interact with a digital friend, go skydiving and hang out at the beach in the form of a daydream in VR. Again showcasing the high level of detail in both the visual and intelligence of the non-player characters, Project M: Daydream presents a small level of interactivity as a tease to the story-driven videogame set to launch in 2018.

ProjectM: Daydream Screenshot

Project M: Daydream is also available to download via Steam now, priced at £3.99 GBP. No official title has yet been announced for the full videogame title set to launch in 2018, but VRFocus will of course keep you updated with all the latest details.

via Mint VR
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