Rec Room Update Allows You To Invent New Games

Rec Room Update Allows You To Invent New Games

Against Gravity, the developer behind Rec Room, released the latest update for its free to play social VR game today. While the patch features an array of small fixes and improvements, there is one new feature that steals the show, the Sandbox Machine.

Hosts of private Rec Room games can now activate the “sandbox machine,” which dispenses equipment to play regardless of your location in the virtual world. This means that the community can now mix and match virtual sporting equipment to create new games inside of Rec Room. “Want to play Quest bows vs. JumboTron pistols on Paintball River? Go for it! Want to play Ultimate Sport Disc in the Shield Soccer arena? Now you can,” say the patch notes for the latest update.

As we highlighted last January, it’s the community and their wishes that fuel Rec Room’s development. The players have been creating their own house rules for the social experience’s mini-games from day one. The new equipment dispenser embraces that creativity and nudges more traditionally-minded players toward it. According to the developer, “The Sandbox Machine was inspired by the creativity we saw in the community, creating new games and activities for each other. This is a first step in making it easier to create richer activities, and we very much want you to try it and give us feedback about how to make it better.”

Other improvements include a new matchmaking system, balance tweaks for paintball, and small changes to the moderation system.

Tell us your stories. Have you or your friend invented your own house rules for Rec Room?

via Mint VR
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