Bar simulators have a long and storied history in video games, going back to 1983’s Tapper. Taphouse VR, from Catland Studios in Finland, follows in that tradition. The elevator pitch from the developers describes their HTC Vive title like this: “It’s kind of like My Summer Car had a baby with Job Simulator- My Summer Bar, if you will.”
The game’s trailer depicts disembodied hands serving beer and cocktails to muscle strapped dwarves with 19th-century facial hair. Based on the Job Simulator and My Summer Car inspiration, we imagine the game is brimming with sharp wit. “If you want to experience a horrible approximation of night life after 1 AM in a local drinking hole, boy do we have a game for you,” say the developers. Thankfully, game trailers aren’t quite as a bad as movie trailers when it comes to giving away all the good jokes, so it’ll all seem fresh on October 17th when Taphouse VR hits Steam Early Access.
What are your favorite drinking themed video games? We’ll give our vote to the drink serving mini-game in Chrono Trigger. Or, better yet, what are the best video game themed drinking games?
Tagged with: Taphouse VR
via Mint VR