The Brookhaven Experiment by Phosphor Games, one of VR’s most popular titles from 2016, is officially coming to Gear VR with a mobile version that’s available starting right now on the Oculus Home Store.
As one of the first VR wave shooters and one of the first VR zombie games, The Brookhaven Experiment’s success and popularity is largely responsible for two of the biggest trends you’ll see in VR gaming right now, especially on Steam. The game is already available, in full, on HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and PlayStation VR. Now, it’s coming to Gear VR with support for that platform’s one-handed motion controller.
The most noticeable difference between the “full” PC and PSVR version of the game and the stripped down Gear VR version is the visual fidelity. You can still see it’s the same game, but if you look closely, you can clearly tell them apart. This change was obviously necessary to make the port happen at all.
And once you play the Gear VR version, you’ll then realize that the majority of the game’s entire design has been reworked too, according to Jarod Pranno, Co-Founder of Phosphor Games:
Due to the differences between PC VR hardware and mobile VR hardware, a straight port of Brookhaven was not an option. We had to almost rebuild the game from the ground up, which was a lot of work but gave us the chance to make some fundamental changes to the game to make it more appropriate for the GearVR HMD and controller. “The Brookhaven Experiment” for GearVR is more of a streamlined, arcade-style experience. The game features five maps, each of which has an end boss that can be defeated to unlock the next map. Maps can also be played after the end boss has been defeated for high score, with each wave escalating in difficulty, similar to the survival mode of Brookhaven PC.Instead of an inventory, upgrades are acquired in each map as the player defeats waves, with better scores leading to better and better upgrades. Good scores also allow the player to acquire high-powered temporary weapons, which are discarded when they run out of ammo, and throwable grenades.
Other than that though, the heart is still the same. You’re still spinning around in circles as zombies descend on you, you’re still frantically aiming and shooting, and you’re still trying to scrape by wave-after-wave to progress further.
According to Phosphor Games the Gear VR version of The Brookhaven Experiment should already be live on the Oculus Home Store by the time you’re reading this article.
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Tagged with: The Brookhaven Experiment
via Mint VR